Saturday, June 7, 2008


"There is a reason the week before we go to print on the upcoming issue is called DEADline! The office is buzzing at elan woman - ads are being designed, stories are under edit, and we're choosing photos for my mother use to tell me, I'll look like, "death eating a graham cracker," when the week is through
(where did she come up with that???).
A visit to Salt Lake City came in the midst of chaos. I had dinner with my forever PTA friends at Archibald's (oh, do I love their green fried tomatoes). Caught up with my girlfriend's Shelly and Angie for a photo shoot on location with Sabina, an artist who is daring, creative and simply a lovely woman. What courage she has..what talent...and what a gorgeous lady, inside and out. Writer Lynda Bernal, will share Sabina's depth and creativity with you in the July/August issue of elan woman.
Thanks to all you Utah PTA ladies who make my life so full, hugs Angie for your great photos...and Shelly, thanks for making me laugh so hard I have to consciously "hold it."

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